www.serbonline.in but in some of the schemes, proposals are accepted in offline mode also. After submission, an acknowledgment mentioning the proposal reference number is sent to the applicant for future correspondence. Proposals received will be subjected to preliminary scrutiny for the requisite documents.
The proposals received under various schemes and programmes follow a peer review process which involves two level of appraisals. At first stage, the proposals are sent to at least four domain experts for their comments. At second stage, the proposals are generally evaluated for funding by the respective Programme Advisory Committee (PAC), in absentia of PIs. However, if need be, PAC can invite PIs for the meeting or approach through teleconference for any clarifications. The Programme Advisory Committee can recommend proposals of the cost upto 80 lakhs. If the recommended cost of the proposal is greater than 80 lakhs, it is referred to an Empowered Committee. This committee is empowered to approve projects upto 5 crores, whereas for proposals costing more than ₹5 crores the same committee will serve as an appraisal body to the Board.
The applications under various fellowships are considered by Search and Selection Committee/Expert Committee.There are internal committees containing domain scientists to evaluate applications for International Travel Support and Assistance to Professional Bodies & Seminars/Symposia.