Home: Anusandhan National Research Foundation, Department of Science & Technology, Government of India

Mission अभ्यास (Skill Development)

Mission ‘ABHYAAS’ is an attempt to boost Research and Development in the country by enabling and grooming potential PG / PhD level students by developing dedicated research skills in selected areas / disciplines / fields through high-end workshops and research internships. This is especially important for those researchers who have limited opportunities to access such learning capacities / facilities / infrastructure. This Mission will be achieved through two of its subcomponents / programs, namely ‘KARYASHALA’ (High End Workshops) and ‘VRITIKA’ (Research Internships).

कार्यशाला (High - End Workshops)

‘KARYASHALA’ is an effort to improve research productivity of promising PG and PhD students from universities and colleges through high-end workshops on specific themes. This program aims to provide opportunities to acquire specialized research skills. These workshops will primarily be facilitated at organizations / institutions / laboratories of national importance such as IITs, IISc, IISERs, NITs, CSIR, ICAR, ICMR etc.

Objective :
‘KARYASHALA’ is aimed to provide hands-on experience to the students primarily from universities, colleges, private academic institutions and newly established institutes in handling / troubleshooting of high-end scientific instruments and such skill development on themes required for research work.

Scope :
The program is meant to support motivated PG and Ph.D. level students, who are having a strong willingness to get excellence in their scientific and engineering research pursuits. However, the support will not be directly provided to the beneficiaries, but through the Event Organizers applying for and coordinating these events on behalf of SERB.

Eligibility :

  • Faculty or Scientists working in Central institutions of higher learning and research such as IITs, IISc, IISERs, NITs, and other institutions and laboratories of eminence like CSIR, ICAR, ICMR, etc.
  • The proposals may be submitted on the established areas of Science and Engineering available in the Institute. However, SERB may also invite proposals for ‘KARYASHALA’ from the institutes on a special call based on identified thrust areas.
  • The proposal should be submitted through ONLINE mode at Accelerate Vigyan web-portal for consideration of SERB funding support. After the proposal is approved by SERB, the institute would invite well-formulated applications from the PG and Ph.D. level students.
  • Institute should devise a well-define shortlisting criteria for selection of candidates based on the basic eligibility criteria laid out by SERB and as per formulated guidelines for the specific workshop.
  • Institute should make sure that at the time of inviting applications for the workshop, the applicants produce a letter of authentication from their Supervisor/ Head of the department/Head of the Institute indicating their association with the institute and “No Objection Certificate (NOC)” for allowing their student to undergo training in the workshop, if selected.
  • SERB reserves the right to fix up the limit of a number of applicants to be entertained in a particular workshop.
  • The training activities should be planned by the Event Organizers in generic break periods in Summer (May - July) and Winter (November – January), to encourage the maximum participants from the potential research students.
  • In a workshop, not more than 25 student participants should be accommodated.
  • The application may be submitted against the call for the proposals at Accelerate Vigyan web-portal generally in the month of May for the incoming winter season (November - January) and in the month of November for the summer season (May - July) next year.

Suggested Topics :

  1. Hands on Training on High-End Scientific Equipment
    • Familiarization with equipment
    • Hands on training on Sample preparation (e.g. for TEM, SEM etc.)
    • Handling & Trouble Shooting
    • First Step Maintenance
  2. Handling Data and Information
    • Understand and synthesize large quantities of data
    • File Backup / Sharing / Sync and Programming codes
    • Using software and interlinking from other operating systems
    • Handling Data, Plots and Graphics
    • Electronic Lab Notebooks and connecting Instruments on net
  3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)
    • Applications of AI and its usage
    • Applications of ML and its usage
  4. Statistical Tools and Modelling
    • Statistical Modelling using different programming tools i.e. ‘R’, Python, Ruby, MATLAB etc.
    • Regression Modelling
    • Theory of Stochastic Orders and Applications
    • Ranking and Selection Problems
    • Advanced Statistical and Machine Learning Modelling
  5. Remote Sensing and GIS Applications
    • Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS – Layered Approach to Problem Solving
    • Virtual GIS / 3D Modelling
    • GNSS, DGPS, Navigation and GPS Study
    • Satellite Images Analysis, Visual Interpretation using Image Processing & GIS Software
  6. Responsible Conduct in Research
    • While Preparing for Research
    • Preventing Misuse is the best medicine
    • Effective use of Incentives for Ethics
    • Scientific Social Responsibility
    • Global Research: The International Collaboration
  7. Written & Oral Effective Science Communication
    • Benefits and Challenges
    • Prepare concise and logically-written materials
    • Organize and communicate ideas effectively in oral presentations
    • Techniques — brief abstract to book-length manuscript
    • Communicating Scientific Information to Public
    • Write effective grant proposals & Reports
  8. General Laboratory Management
    • Policy Guidelines of Safety
    • Emergency Procedures
    • Overnight Experiments
    • Maintenance and Cleaning of a Laboratory
    • Decommissioning of a Laboratory

Nature of Support :

  • Daily necessary expenses such as TA, stationary, consumables, accommodation, food etc. for the participating students will be borne by the host institute through SERB funding support.
  • The participating students will also be eligible for TA reimbursement for their journey to the host institute from their hometown / home institute, both ways, as per GoI norms.
  • TA/DA and honorarium to the outside experts (if any) may be given as per standard norms / guidelines of SERB. However, as far as possible, the honorarium for all the experts is concerned, it could be declined by them, treating this noble contribution as more of their scientific social responsibility while imparting the requisite knowledge and skills to the students.

Duration of Certification :

  • A typical duration of each high–end workshop will be at least 1 week but not more than 2 weeks.
  • A certificate regarding successful completion of workshop shall be issued to the participants by the host institute.
  • Participants not completing the requisite period will not be issued any certificate.

How to Apply :
For online submission of the application the following points may be noted:

  • The Event Organizer (Faculty/Scientist) should register at Accelerate Vigyan web-portal (www.acceleratevigyan.gov.in) first and follow the instructions given in the web-portal for the successful submission of the proposal.
  • The application can be submitted online mode only when the call for proposal is on.

Formats :
Mandatory Documents to be uploaded with the application

  • An endorsement letter duly signed and stamped by the competent authority of the host institute.
  • A short summary of the workshop mentioning objectives, event program details (hour-based activities for all program days), list of potential and anticipated in-house and outside experts, other technical details.
  • Host institute account details.

Guidelines :
After completion of the workshop, the following documents need to be submitted online by the institute:

  • A completion report of the workshop including 2-3 pictures of the workshop.
  • Financial Papers (Statement of Expenditure and Utilization Certificate).

वृतिका (Research Internships)

‘VRITIKA’ is the call for initiation and practice in science through research internships. This program aims to provide opportunities to promising PG students from universities and colleges to get exposure and hands-on research experience. These internships will primarily be facilitated by organizations / institutions / laboratories of national importance such as IITs, IISc, IISERs, NITs, CSIR, ICAR, ICMR etc.

Objective :
To groom students (primarily from Universities, Colleges, Private Academic Institutions and newly established Institutes) in their scientific career pursuits by developing dedicated research skills in selected areas / discipline / fields of Science and Engineering through research internships. This program would facilitate the young talent to choose a career path in Science and Technology.

Scope :
The scheme is meant to support regular PG level students who are having a strong orientation towards scientific and engineering research and are pursuing their degree from University / Institution within India (primarily from universities, colleges, private academic institutions) in the fields of Science and Engineering and having interest in scientific research. However, the support will not be provided to the beneficiaries directly, but through the Event Organizers applying for and coordinating these events on behalf of SERB.

Eligibility :

  • Faculty or Scientists working in Central institutions of higher learning and research such as IITs, IISc, IISERs, NITs, and other institutions and laboratories of eminence like CSIR, ICAR, ICMR, etc.
  • The proposals may be submitted on the established areas of Science and Engineering available in the Institute. However, SERB may also invite proposals for VRITIKA from the Institutes on a special call based on identified thrust areas.
  • The application for VRITIKA should be applied through ONLINE mode at Accelerate Vigyan web-portal for consideration of SERB funding support. The proposal, if approved, the institute should invite well-formulated applications from the PG level students.
  • Institute should device a well-defined shortlisting criterion for selection of candidates based on the basic eligibility criteria laid by SERB and as per formulated guidelines for the specific internship.
  • Institute should make sure that at the time of inviting applications for the internship, the applicants produce a letter of authentication from their Supervisor / Head of the Department / Head of the Institute indicating their association with the Institute and “No Objection Certificate (NOC)” for allowing their student to undergo internship, if selected.
  • One supervisor can take a maximum of 5 (five) participants for an internship at a time. However, the Institute / University / Department / Division / Centre, as a whole, may accommodate as many interns as they can fulfilling the criteria of maximum 5 interns per Supervisor (Event Organizer).
  • Internship should be planned by the Event Organizers in generic break periods in Summer (May - July) and Winter (November – January), to encourage the participation from the potential research students.
  • The application may be submitted against the call for the proposals at Accelerate Vigyan web-portal generally in the month of May for the incoming winter season (November - January) and in the month of November for the summer season (May - July) next year.

Nature of Support :

  • The internship will be given for meeting daily necessary expenses such as stationary, consumables, accommodation, food etc. and will not contain any stipend for them. The support amount will be of Rs. 30000/- per intern for the whole internship period. However, in case of the need for enhanced amount as projected by the Event Organizer, it could be given based on the recommendations of the Committee constituted for the purpose.
  • The interns will be eligible for TA reimbursement for their journey to the host institute from their hometown / home institute, both ways, as per GOI norms.

Duration of Certification :

  • The period of the research internship shall be at least 4 weeks but not exceeding 2 months
  • The supervisor to whom the interns are attached would be assigning them tasks / assignments, on which, the intern should work and prepare a report to be submitted.
  • A certificate regarding successful completion of internship shall be issued to the intern by the supervisor and head of the concern department on satisfactory completion of the internship and on submission of the assignment report.
  • Interns not completing the requisite period will not be issued any certificate.

How to Apply :
For online submission of the application the following points may be noted:

  • The Event Organizer (Faculty / Scientist) should register at Accelerate Vigyan web-portal (www.acceleratevigyan.gov.in) first and follow the instructions given in the web-portal for the successful submission of the proposal.
  • The application can be submitted online mode only when the call for proposals is on.

Formats :
Mandatory documents to be uploaded with the application

  • An endorsement letter duly signed and stamped by competent authority of the host institute.
  • A short summary of the planned research work for the intern(s).
  • Host institute account details.

Guidelines :

  1. After Completion

    After completion of the internship, the following documents need to be submitted online by the supervisor / Event Organizer:

    1. Copy of completion certificate issued to the intern(s)
    2. Financial Papers (Statement of Expenditure and Utilization Certificate).
  2. Engagement

    The interns would be attached to Faculty(ies) / Expert(s) / Scientist(s) of the institute for the entire period of internship. During this period, interns will be accountable to the Supervisors.

    The Accelerate Vigyan end-user database should also be updated by the supervisor(s) / event organizer(s) after completion of the internship.
    The details of Programme Advisors / Coordinators and Programme Officers are given below:

Formats and Guidelines

The details of Programme Advisors / Coordinators and Programme Officers are given below

Name of the Program Program Coordinator Program Officer
Abhyaas Dr. Shashi Bhushan Pandey
Scientist G
Dr. Pankaj Kr Rawat
Scientist E