One of the most notable developments in the S&T sector in the XI Plan has been the setting up of the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) through an Act of Parliament, viz. the Science and Engineering Research Board Act, 2008. Promoting basic research in Science and Engineering and to provide financial assistance to persons engaged in such research, academic institutions, research and development laboratories, industrial concerns and other agencies for such research and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto are the primary and distinctive mandate of the Board.
SERB aims to build up best management systems which would match the best global practices in the area of promotion and funding of basic research.
The Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) is a statutory body established through an Act of Parliament. Supporting basic research in emerging areas of Science & Engineering are the primary and distinctive mandate of the Board. The Board structure, with both financial and administrative powers vested in the Board, would enable quicker decisions on research issues, greatly improving thereby our responsiveness to the genuine needs of the research scientists and the S&T system.

To position science and technology as the fulcrum for social and economic change by supporting relevant, competitive and quality scientific research and development.

As the premier national research funding agency, raise the quality and footprint of Indian science and engineering to the highest global levels in an accelerated mode, through calibrated support for research and development.
Stimulating the search for new knowledge and encouraging invention, discovery, innovation and development by supporting bottom-up research competitively and at all levels of our research eco-system.।
Support conceptually new directions, even when risky, but having the potential for non-incremental and transformative success. Strengthen deep-expertise in specific domains and link them through inter-disciplinary and multi-institutional ‘top-down’ programmes that address challenging national problems.
Develop funding programmes which connect with needs of our society and identify key scientific questions, both basic-science and application that have concrete societal value. Launch and strengthen programmes to bring in researchers from under represented regions, weaker and marginalized segments of the society. Realising the importance of gender parity, ensure that appropriate programmes pro-actively have mechanism to encourage enhanced and equitable representation of woman scientists. Initiate and strengthen schemes that link teachers in colleges and resource-poor universities with opportunities in active research, thereby aiding in expanding the footprint of quality science. Through global bilateral and multilateral partnerships support collaborative top quality research in cutting-edge areas to ensure the speedy growth of quality science in India. Scout, mentor, incentivize and reward exceptional performers, teams and institutions. Show unstinted commitment towards science by constantly improving our methods and speed for research support, while ensuring the highest adherence to financial processes..
Recognising that all research support has at its base the development of quality, well-trained researchers; initiate and strengthen programmes of identifying research potential, mentoring, training and hands-on workshops, on a broad-based national scale.
Make SERB the vehicle of choice for all R&D funding agencies for their core programmes by developing inclusive processes and proactively synergizing with them for the requisite integration and consolidation of the research effort in Science and Engineering in the country.